Are you ready to ASCEND into the most expansive, highest version of yourself, and live an ENTIRELY new way of life?



It's the REAL GAME we all came here to play, but forgot.


This game has MAGIC in it, and it's way more fun than the 'old' one. 


This game allows us to experience unbridled JOY every day of our lives, and to make choices from the field of infinite possibilities instead of from our limited minds, which used to incessantly focus on what was 'wrong.'


We are excited. We are full of hope. We are deeply, profoundly grateful that we get to continually live into the wildest dreams we can conjure.


We now know that every second is new, full of magnificent power and potential, available to us at all times.


To access this knowing we had to evolve into being active, aware players instead of disempowered, unaware participants. We had to recognize that there were stories playing out that kept us from seeing ~ and living ~ our deepest truths. 


Once we did, it was akin to turning on a light bulb in the darkest of rooms; it was like living in an entirely new universe, here on planet Earth. In fact, this new paradigm includes the Earth as the very central playing ground it is: every move we make intentionally benefits our beautiful planet, and is a win/win for all of us. 


This awakening ~ this evolution~ is being experienced by humans worldwide, and as women we are playing an active role in ushering a healthier, loving consciousness into the world. When a woman owns her true feminine essence from a truly aligned, aware, and loving space, it unleashes unprecedented power and leadership; it allows her to feel AND share massive amounts of abundance, love, passion. It unlocks the potential for beautifully positive influence and impact. 


(Please see our Ascended Woman: Feminine Rising companion course for more on this delicious topic.)


How This Works, and Why Us


We are Krisha and Shauna ~ so nice to 'meet' you.


Until a couple of years ago, we were two of the most dedicated seekers around. We spent nearly every waking moment delving into our own personal development; in fact, it was the commonality that brought us together. Between us, we have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars over the last two decades - we actually admired this in each other! 


We went to seminars and events around the globe. We pored through countless books, making notes and applying what we learned. Over and over. We watched countless YouTube videos and we listened to audios in our cars, on walks, on planes. We did it ALL, in our quest for personal growth and betterment...and yes, things improved. We leveled up in our lives, time and again, because of our devotion.


Yet somehow...we still felt we were missing something. We'd been told repeatedly that once we got into the right 'mindset,' everything we ever wanted would manifest. (Cars, men, money, fame! Fill in your desires here.) 


We could never quite get to that promised land, where we would have the 'magic touch,' and be able to almost instantly attract and create everything we dreamed of. Although we were both successful, we kept having to acknowledge to ourselves that we were exhausted and frustrated. 


We were repeatedly disappointed, and we turned the blame inwards, which made the frustration even more acute. Were we doing it all wrong? Were we just not trying hard enough, or maybe...gulp...we were not even worthy of receiving or creating our desires? Could it be that we were fundamentally broken, and this 'stuff' would never actually work for us?


Insert the sound of a record scratching here! Screech to a halt.


We WERE missing something. 


Something so huge that when we found it, our entire lives were changed forever, and in retrospect we can see that without it, we would NEVER have been able to experience the lives of joy and fulfillment we are living today.


Disclosure: We have both transcended deep, deep pain in our lives. We didn't really want to talk about the pain, because who does? However, we realized that it was the desire to get out of the pain that had been the driving force behind all the personal development...and that everyone has deep pain they are either feeling or avoiding, and no personal growth book or seminar is going to cure it. The unconscious sabotages and triggers and patterns we all have cannot be dissolved from within the ecosystem that created them.


Here's what we discovered: we'd been playing the wrong game. 


It was no one's fault, and everyone was doing it. Nearly every course we took and book we read came from the achievement paradigm that is so prevalent in today's society, and we naturally were 'all in' because we were so immersed in the personal development world, and dedicated to self improvement.


Even the people talking about 'manifesting' and 'conscious creation' were coming at it from the achievement paradigm, and it was a set up for failure and dissatisfaction. In hindsight, we can see this SO clearly, but it took leaving this paradigm entirely for clarity to be possible.


All we can say now is WOW. 


Our entire worldview has changed, and we have access to resources and knowledge that we just did not have before. We have access from the inside, and could never have found it outside of ourselves. This seemingly little point is actually the key that unlocked the doorway to what we were missing.


Our odyssey took us to a place of astonishing new perspective, from which we can see our old patterns, our sabotages, and our triggers without engaging them. It is like living in a state of grace, and we are profoundly grateful to our brave, beautiful former selves for taking this journey, every wavering step out of the darkness.


We use different words now. Words like evolution, expansion, deep dive, consciousness, awakening, awareness. We have conversations that matter, and we have MORE JOY in our lives that we ever even imagined was possible. 


Honestly, the difference between imagining a life of happiness and actually FEELING your natural state of pure bliss energy is radical. Fundamental. Game changing. It's the difference between playing the achievement game and what we now lovingly call The Consciousness Game.


Here is a video excerpt from a training video we did for a private podcast audience, so you can get a feeling for what it’s like to LIVE this way. Enjoy!



We are now here to invite those who are ready for personal sovereignty of a higher caliber to join us.


We are coaches, and so much more than that. It feels most aligned to say that we are powerful guides ~ for a journey that we have been on, and from a field of potential that our clients want to reach. It really IS a field...a field of energy, awareness and of unlimited resources. 


We often say in our public bios that working with us is like a depth charge, because this is how it feels. This is why we only work with those who WANT this. The light of change and evolution is dropped into the dark, depths of unconscious patterns and behaviors and 'kapow!,' everything you thought you knew is blown apart.


It sounds dramatic and it is. It takes the power of the love that you are to expose the lies and reveal the truth. It is NOT easy, but committing to this process WILL make the difference you are seeking. 


You will experience expansion and freedom you have never felt before. You will feel the life force coursing through you, and be present to your own spacious, loving consciousness. You will feel the joy and excitement that is your birthright as a creative being. It is SO extraordinary...we can hardly contain ourselves!



Why YOU, And Why Now?

The opportunity before you is to ACTUALLY live the way your heart has been quietly but insistently calling for, from now on. To create an entire new way of life instead of just trying to make your existing life marginally better. 

Your soul has been urging you to listen and follow its nudges...and every day you suppress those desires is a day less you have to live in the exquisite joy that is available to you. 

(Note from Krisha: In the process of freeing herself from stories that weren't true and didn't belong to her, Shauna made a list of things that brought her ultimate joy, or were '10 out of 10s' for her. There were 63 items on that list, and in the past 18 months she has experienced, intentionally, all but 3 of them! She was so consistently happy that I called her an orb, and joked that she wouldn't even need a plane to fly back and forth anymore...she would be able to float, or just blink!)

The patterns embedded in us affect every facet of our lives, and distress stemming from one or two areas cascades to others. This is true for all of us, no matter how good we get at compartmentalizing. For us, even when we were racking up successes at work, we knew deep inside that our marriages weren't working, and it caused immense strain. We were NOT listening to our hearts, and we didn't know how to access the state of presence and grace from which we could have clearly seen what was right for us.

(Note from Shauna: I have witnessed Krisha face a deep issue that cropped up, in a matter of half an hour...whereas it would have taken either of us weeks previously. She sat with the feelings and allowed them to show her what needed to be seen...she allowed the pattern to dissolve and integrated the new insight...and she carried on being her joyous, effervescent self. This way of living is AMAZING!)

If you are our perfect-fit client, we already know you are accomplished, and have many wonderful things in your life. We honor everything you have done, and all you have going on. We also know that you are experiencing some of the following symptoms of not accessing your soul's alignment fully:

⦁ You are holding yourself back from living the absolute best life you can imagine, in one or more areas of your life

⦁ You find yourself triggered by certain things, people or situations and cannot seem to get past these patterns

⦁ You sabotage your progress in various ways (procrastination, excessive people pleasing, etc.), and would love to heal the underlying causes

⦁ You yearn to truly know what is in your heart and soul, and follow those prompts, but existing relational or life dynamics keep you stuck

⦁ There are gifts longing to be expressed by you which you are afraid to even contemplate, yet you are also afraid to 'die with your music in you'

⦁ You know there is something bigger, something you came here to do in terms of impact and legacy


There is more, and it is different for each person, but you get the picture. Ultimately it feels like a life not quite fully lived, and THAT equals pain. 

We invite you instead to invest in and embody your most glorious, fulfilled self so you can:

⦁ Break the chains of expectations and obligations and make decisions from your absolute truth...know and say yes when something is a hell yes for you, and say no graciously

⦁ Completely transcend your perceived limits so you can dare to go after it ALL, with your heart and soul backing you up

⦁ Follow your intuition and live in flow, feeling centered and aligned

⦁ Have the inner strength and wisdom to handle whatever shows up in your life with grace

⦁ Awaken to the light and love within so you can be part of the healing this planet needs

⦁ Feel vibrantly healthy and joyously, laugh, LOVE!

Only you know if this is speaking to you. From your deepest truth comes a knowing that, when accessed, changes everything. 

It may be tempting to regret not 'arriving' here sooner...we felt the same way. Luckily, you can shorten the learning curve that took us 20+ years to traverse, and take advantage of our combined knowledge. We are bringing ALL of ourselves and our ever-evolving insights to you, because we want to have massive impact. We are playing this game all in, and we take on clients who want to do the same!





If you have read this far we assume you have been feeling this pull, and are already on a path of personal growth. You are painfully aware that the old ways are not working, both personally and globally. 


You want to finally connect with your truth and your worth, and FEEL enduring love and happiness that flows into every area of your life. 


You are ready to finally surrender the 'go, go, go' achievement paradigm and deepen your journey inward, to discover and BE who you really are.


If this is a RESOUNDING YES for you, you will know


You will want to move into this realm of consciousness, and live a life of abundance and deep meaning, powerfully and irreversibly. Like a before and after. Profound, lasting change that will affect the rest of your life.


We stand ready to help you. This is what we do, and who we are.


If you are both excited about and afraid of the unknown, it is perfectly normal. In fact, it's the exact combination of symptoms of true readiness. We were once afraid but we were also READY to find a better way. Now that we have truly, experientially lived this better way, we are here to be YOUR game changers.


This is the way forward for humans to stop the pain, both individually and collectively, and live peacefully and joyfully on this Earth. It is the truth of who we are, and it is TIME for us all to ascend into the lives we were meant to live.




Please note: We take on limited clients so we can truly, deeply serve each of them. Get started now by clicking the link above to book a call with us, and see if there is a good fit. We can't wait to talk to you!


Meet Shauna & Krisha

Krisha Young and Shauna Arthurs bring their combined power to you in what could be considered a depth-charge, transformational life experience.

Krisha Young


Shauna Arthurs


Each a successful business woman in their own right, they met in 2018, and as they became acquainted it was quickly clear that their respective skills and journeys created a synergy that would be very powerful for clients, and for this planet.


They are each dedicated to their own evolution, and as such they continue to up the ante in how they show up for each other and clients alike. The paradigm they are creating insists on deeper conversations, more courageous and powerful inner work, and MORE JOY as a result. Always.


With deep alignment to their own expanding truths, they offer clients, both in group settings and private packages, a lifeline into worlds of happiness and impact that had only been glimpsed in dreams. They live into it and then they guide others. They serve so deeply that the only result, when a client is as invested as they are, is complete transformation.


**Click/Tap Here to Schedule Your Confidential Discovery Call With Us**


We do not offer legal advice, and we will never tell you what to do. We will support you in gaining clarity and full alignment in your choices.