Feel Worthy & Confident

How amazing would it feel for you to finally:


Speak up without worrying what others will think, or that you're offending or upsetting someone?


Felt alive, joyful and sensual.


Say NO (or even yes!) without the guilt, or over-explaining.


See and feel what others see in you - your beauty, intelligence, sexiness and inner Goddessery?


Ask for what you want - both inside and outside the bedroom.


Uplevel all areas of your life, from relationships, to work, to how you treat yourself.




It's time for YOU!

Feel Confident Now

This course will teach you, step by step, how to feel more confident and worthy.


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Confidence is a state of being clear-headed either that a hypothesis or prediction is correct or that a chosen course of action is the best or most effective. Confidence comes from a Latin word 'fidere' which means "to trust"; therefore, having self-confidence is having trust in one's self.


Wherever you are stuck, this course will give you the practical tools to Be Free, Be Bold and Transform yourself into a woman who fearlessly commands more from life.


Over the course of this program, you’ll be given videos and journal prompts with concrete exercises, practices, and tools that will have you saying YES! to yourself, and create a new level of confidence that will blow your mind!


You’ll be able to:

Slay procrastination, get out of your own way, increase your confidence, break the cycle of starting and stopping your goals, and step into your Goddess Power!



There will be no more:

Worried "what if I get this wrong?"

Asking "what if it doesn't work?"

Agonizing over "what will others think of me?"

And uttering the almighty "what if I FAIL???"​


Sound like a big promise?


Course Contents


Module 1 - What is confidence, really?

In this step, we will explore some fundamental questions about what you think confidence is. 


Module 2 - Are you REALLY not confident?

In this step, we will find times when you have been confident and continue to build on that - the best way to build confidence is to do things that make you feel good, cause you want to keep feeling good, so this gives you the courage to then try the things that make you feel super uncomfortable, such as setting boundaries. 


Module 3 - How to build genuine confidence

In this step, you'll get the tools on HOW you can start to build confidence even more! Using the tools I personally used myself, and that I share with my 1:1 clients, you will find techniques that you can easily pull out of your purse anytime you need a little pick me up...and it also includes some edgier and deeper practices to take it to the next level for you!

Module 4 - Your Inner SuperHero

In this step, we are going to help you tap into the confidence of those people you admire, cause guess what babe - if you see it in them, you have it in you. We mainly recognize ourselves in others, we see the world as we are, not as it is. 

About Krisha


The woman in the before picture was me. I didn't take good care of myself mentally, spiritually or physically. I was sad, worried and anxious and depressed. I felt fat, angry, sorry for myself, and like I was some weird social pariah.


I was stuck in procrastination, perfectionism and fear on a daily basis, and I lacked the confidence to make bold changes.


It wasn’t until I decided:



Before ...

About Krisha


The woman in the before picture was me. I didn't take good care of myself mentally, spiritually or physically. I was sad, worried and anxious and depressed. I felt fat, angry, sorry for myself, and like I was some weird social pariah.


I was stuck in procrastination, perfectionism and fear on a daily basis, and I lacked the confidence to make bold changes.


It wasn’t until I decided:



Now ...

Before ...

Now ...

I wanted to be an Awakened Woman and help women all over the world but couldn't until I broke the cycle by getting outside of my comfort zone more and more to build that confidence muscle and build my own self-belief that I could live my most Conscious Life!


And the more I pushed my comfort zones, the more I started to realize my dreams, like finding my true purpose on this planet and creating a business and life that allows me to:


  • Travel all over the world.
  • Own my time and having the freedom to be able to be fully present for my kids.
  • Work with amazing, intelligent kick-ass women just like you!


Since then I have explored many of my comfort zone edges and am now an authority in women’s empowerment, speaking on stages around the world.


What it means to be a Awakened Woman


An Awakened Woman is a woman who is living life from a heart-centred space, magnetic, juicy and rocking it in life. She knows what she wants and she goes out and gets it.


She isn’t afraid of being afraid. The fear is there, but she does what it takes to reach her dreams.


She isn’t afraid to speak up, to put herself first, to say NO when she wants to say no, and to say YES when she wants to say yes.


It’s the inner knowing and feeling  that you’ve got this and the ability to not let fear stop her.


She looks at every opportunity as a way to stretch learn and grow.


She takes personal responsibility for the decisions she made.


This could be you.


Join the Confidence Course now!

My clients used the tools I will be sharing with you, and have gone on to do amazing things such as move to Europe, start up new businesses, quit corporate jobs, raise their rates, have the highest income months ever, repair relationships with family members, exit marriages, find true love and many other life enhancing things!


They started with these 5 simple steps that I promise you will allow you to continue to make bigger steps in your life.


What have you got to lose? It’s 5 video lessons, and it could change your life.


With the Confidence Course, you can...


--->  Make this year the year you fall in love with yourself!


--->  Make this year your year of freedom and abundance!


--->  Make this year the year you look back and say - Wow! I kept all my promises to myself - look at what I’ve accomplished!


Still Unsure? 

Here are a few answers to our most common questions

I don't have time for this

Is there a charge?

I've got so many other things I haven't finished yet

Are you gonna make me do weird stuff?

© Copyrights 2018 by Krisha Young. All Rights Reseved.